Sell One Ebook And Beyond

sell one ebook

Most people have the goal to sell many ebooks. However they shouldn't do this. They should think about how to sell one ebook...then sell many more.

Selling multiple ebooks is simpler than selling one ebook.

Selling one ebook, is far harder.


Because, and sorry to be so blunt:

  • You will write for you rather than an audience
  • You believe that the knowledge you have is valuable
  • Everyone wants to buy what you have as soon as you get that information onto Amazon

The fact is, none of those points will sell you an ebook.

Let's explain.

1. If you find an audience, mingle with them, find out what they are missing or what they love. You can then start to write something that they want. Guess what. It is so much easier then to sell one ebook to people who want your product rather than finding an audience for a product that you created

2. People do have knowledge that is valuable. But it is only valuable if someone wants it and wants to pay for it.

3. Amazon and the vast majority of other online payment processors are just that. They give you the tools to sell and reward you when you do. But they are not going to get people to come to your product. Amazon survives on the long-tail. Meaning that it makes most of it's money from lots of products being sold a minimal amount of times.

So how do you sell one ebook?

how to sell an ebook

Glad that you asked :)

How to sell one ebook is based upon a process and that process then gets replicated for all the other ebooks that you want to sell.

But it first begins with:

1- What do people want?

When you realise that you are in the people solving business then everything starts to open up. George RR Martin is in the customer escape industry. People read his books or watch the TV shows to escape and watch a really cool story being played out.

Finding out what you audience requires is the best place to start.

2. Build in marketing

An ebook that is sold nowadays needs to have shareability and need already built into it. The book must be a super bubbling work that people are going to recommend, share and comment about.

3. You need to find how you are going to sell the ebook.

Selling the ebook then gets a little easier because- you know who you are selling to and what they want. Now you just have to choose where they are going to be and where they buy their stuff. many people will buy from Amazon, others with buy through iStore and there are some that will forget all of that and buy directly from you.

4. You missed a step

This is the step that everyone forgets. And it should be slotted in at step 2. One you have honed in on the idea to sell one ebook then you need to start to figure out your next project. One ebook does not make a fortune. But multiple ebooks do. Your second product should be half researched by the time your first product comes out.

Check out this detailed framework

how to sell an ebook plan

We have had people ask us about ebook selling and how just to sell one ebook- hence the name of the article.

So we gathered together our best posts from, increased them and added more topics.

Its a detailed journey from idea to completion.

It is also based upon fact- including our own journey and a number of Pro ebook sellers who outline their own journey.

Here's a list of the contents:

  • How do you sell on amazon
  • What exactly is this book about?
  • Why make an ebook in the first place
  • Where do you start making an ebook?
  • How do people buy ebooks. The ebook selling process
  • How about if you want to create an ebook in a saturated market
  • Putting the content together (article mastery)
  • Should you rely on keywords to make content?
  • Should you care about your ebook competitors?
  • Should you worry about piracy, competition or refunds?
  • Does price really matter?
  • Funnels
  • So, can I use AI to create an ebook?
  • How are some top Authors (Kindle and self publishers) making money?
  • Quick math with 2 common platforms
  • Add value by selling something within your ebook
  • 26 proven ebook marketing strategies
  • Pro ebook seller techniques

So we go through Pro Kindle authors and we also have researched the 26 proven ways to market your ebook. You might find more online (we have seen tons of 101 articles), but it just boils down to 26 that are reliable and remember- proven.

We have called the project Sell One Ebook And Beyond...because it outlines the plan to sell one ebook and then to sell more ebooks.

You can find it on Amazon here.

sell one ebook and beyond
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