Selling On Youtube

selling on youtube

Selling on Youtube should seem quite easily. It can be because Youtube gives you everything you need. You just have to learn the system and figure which business model (or combination of) you want to you on the platform.

It is also easy to mention Youtube stats, but we know how important Youtube is.

What we need to know is:

  1. is it viable?
  2. Everyones flaw

You also need to know Youtube rules and techniques. It is no surprise why Youtubers ask you to:

  • "Like". It promotes a small amount of trust to Youtube and they increase video rank compared to the next video
  • Promoting your video- link backs to a video also increase that the video is good
  • Commenting promotes audience interaction which then Youtube can pick out language which sounds good/ favourable to the video
  • More subscribers = more people that like the channel. But they need interaction so that they interact with the video

It helps their video go up the charts in relevant searches.

Selling on Youtube business models

selling on youtube 2

Youtube is a communication medium but also it is a medium that is built upon sharing and Google search. It also gets top billing in search, so you can get extra visitors.

The selling models that can be used quite successfully are:

1. Direct selling. This is just you selling a product and you are highlighting it. These work surprisingly well. Using demos are good but what you will find is you need positives and negatives within the video for people to trust you more before you can sell anything. Showing unboxing also increases the trust- this is what it looks like and how to set up out of the box!

2. Direct ads. These are the sponsors of the video and can be stated at the start/ middle/ end etc or used within the video- mentioning that they are the sponsor. This is very lucrative but you need to have a constant amount of subs, visitors and content to make this viable.

3. Indirect ads. These are the ads that appear while the video is showing, usually a version of Adsense. Adsense revenue is usually calculated per thousand click (cost per mille- CPM- mille being French for thousand). So when a person clicks on an ad you get a percentage of that click the advertiser has paid. People complain about how little they make with Adsense, but Adsense is driven on what you are showing. Finance and Insurance offer the most costly of clicks and "nothing videos" like challenges and random talking generally offer the lowest of payments.

4. Affiliate links. Similar to Adsense but you offer products. When someone clicks on the link and buys you get a percentage of that sale. You get a larger percentage of revenue but usually less clicks. When you see someone say "use my link" or "use code ..." then they are using affiliate links

5. Your own product. A much higher investment but a better payout (less upfront cost are things like TeeSpring where you see Youtubers offering TShirts, cups etc. It still isn't your own audience but it is a good way to start to dabble in own branded physical products). You keep sales details and you can build a brand. Usually done when you have more subs/ visitors to make it worth while. But a very targeted and interactive audience totalling a few thousand can beat out an unresponsive audience in the tens of thousands easily

6. Promotion of yourself. Sometimes you just want to promote you or your product. You see car companies and comedians do this. Movie trailers also are trying to promote their movie- or try to get you excited for the next trailer. They are showcasing their product but you need to go somewhere to buy the product. Also you are making your product or you, much more visible

7. Promotion of free items/ subscribing. This is usually done with musicians where they offer free music/ their music. You are trying to build an audience and trying to get them to subscribe to something. This by far is the ultimate model that should be the foundation of your efforts.

Remember though, they are not exclusive. You can mix and match models- which MrBeast has done. but remember very carefully. If you sign up to a sponsor- or sign anything, get a lawyer to check it over first- it will save issues further down the road.

The flaw


Once you have decided that selling on Youtube is viable for your business then you have to realise the ultimate flaw and how to fix it- eluded to in the seventh business model.

Once a person has gone from your video- how do you get them back? It is a flaw with most websites and it is something that you need to figure out. And it doesn't need to be huge either. Just check out the various methods MrBeast has done just to get you to subscribe so that they don't lose you:

  • offering random subscribers gifts
  • videos that come out on a certain date or "daily" videos
  • "watch until the end of the video for XY and Z". It is also worthy to note that Youtube looks favourably on videos that play until the end and have interaction
  • "first 10 comments get"
  • asking for your help in promotion of a video- "if this video gets X amount of views". Also asking for help in gaining subscribers
  • offering other social media site links within their description

We will go further into MrBeast here, but this is his rise made out quite simply:

  1. post videos regularly on a subject that you can keep on creating videos on (this is the hardest part. They don't have to be the best quality videos either
  2. use Adsense revenue to plow back into the video
  3. use Adsense and sponsor revenue to increase the stakes of the video- giving $1000 to random people etc
  4. use Adsense, sponsor and product revenue on more videos- upping the stakes again
  5. repeat number 4

For updates, check out the Jasonera blog here.

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