Social media for ebook selling is better now than it has ever been. Yep. I'm saying it. Back "in the day" you had to:
The problem with this? Obviously- super slow and costly. Also you don't get a vast amount of data back because you don't know what triggered someone to act (or not to).
If you wanted to test anything then you had to do the same process over and over again. Upping your cost. So now your offer had to covers those costs. Which, to some people, might be too much.
You have a delivery method that is instant, borderline infinite testing opportunities and a vast amount of services that are free or partially free.
You find an audience that you know/ can talk to.
So if you want to go into golf products and have no idea about
handicap/ yards, birdies...then you might want to read up on it, go out
practising...or leave it alone. This is the learning curve part. It is
worthy to start learning?
Once you have found a topic that a good sized audience would like to know- and has information generated every year. Then you can create your online presence.
Remember information generation. If your topic only has a limited increase in knowledge you really need to figure out how to change that information. So, for instance 10 Pin Bowling. Doesnt seem deep- ball, pins etc. However you can dive into:
There are tons of choices for you to find a channel to sell on and in reality they are pretty much the same as the other deep down. When you start to add bits to them and pay for others they each shine more.
My thought is that you can easily grow and expand later, but why not see if it works for you for free? So go down the social side of websites and start there. If you like Facebook, Pinterest etc, start with one of those. Learn them, enjoy them and then start to build your following.
Well, for one, it free and the other, they have sharing built into them. Proof?
Dude Perfect are a Youtube sensation. Youtube- built in sharing is making a career out of many people who decide to commit to the platform. However according to their book, Dude Perfect started with Youtube to show their trick shots but it was through Facebook that they promoted and started their brand.
They tapped into their own social networks (5 people with probably at least 10 people on their Facebook friends at a complete and really low minimum). So now you have 50 people promoting it to their friends...and so on.
It wasn't until they started to get bigger and realised they needed to make more of a brand statement, they bought the Dude Perfect domain name and created their website which then can be distributed to the media.
To doubly increase you efforts you can place your Youtube or social platform of choice on your website.
other people have done is to contact other low/ newly started groups/
boards etc and offer to exchange articles/ videos pictures to their
audience. You then gain followers/ subscribers of people who are
interested in what you do- a more targeted is always extremely welcomed.
When you increase subscribers/ fans etc then you contact other larger
websites/ groups and do the same.
Inter promoting is always a good idea as you can increase your fan base quicker and create a fan base that is somewhat targeted.
We all choose something that we think is going to work. It would be silly to assume anything else. But the tipping point comes to how much work are you really going to put into the system that you want.
Every platform that you choose is a system of some sort.
So, for example. Email Marketing. This is an old marketing technique that many people just do not ultilise. But what you find is that it is a very timeless piece marketing system. Its very potent. People have made money just using this system. It is very powerful and it has a huge amount of credibility over something like a Tweet.
Most people will also give you their personal email address and this is very sacred. People don't change their email address that often so you can communicate with the subscriber today, in a month or even in a year. Each email increases the power of the next one- as long as it follows Jasonera Law.
But. It is still a system. The pros that shout loud and very unclear have been using email for ages. The best ones don't shout out. Email has mini systems within it:
You see, email just by itself is not going to do anything. The mini systems involved within the email system/ platform is what makes the email system work.
You will only know that with time, effort and practise. and yes.
How about if you don't like email, what then? Keep on doing it?
This is where ebook sellers come stuck.
Initially I wasn't a fan of videos but as I started to make them I realised that even though I am no pro, I can get a video up to Youtube and it gets views.
I am not a huge fan of Twitter (X) even though it has helped me in the past.
There are things that we all like and there are things that we don't.
We need to figure out what we are interested in and what we are not. Because at the end of the day good work shines and poor work is a pain. If you have to do something daily that you don't like then it will become a drain. So don't do a system that you don't like.
If you like drawing then Insta can be cool. If you like short bursts and conversation then email/ X can be helpful. If you are into colating stuff then Pinterest is your thing.
Once you have found something you like, you go to town and learn everything about it.
Test and do.
With that you can find an audience within those systems that you can sell to.
Then what?
Find the next systen that you enjoy and go into that.
That is all this is about. Finding something that you enjoy and then going full into it. Then once that is on autopilot you go into something else.
When you hear of someone making it with some social site usually it is because:
There isn't a huge secret to these things.
Below is where all the information regarding social media for ebook selling. Why not list all the sites? We did once, then we realised that the sites change their rules and even themselves pretty quickly.
For updates, check out the Jasonera blog here.
How do you build a niche audience on Youtube from nothing and then start to sell?
How MrBeast generates views and subs...his 6 best strats
How to sell and go viral on Instagram
How did MrBeast actually go from few views to 250 million video views (hint: anyone could have done it)?
How did DudePerfect start?
What happens when you rely on one social media platform? Step forward Charles Berthoud.
Youtube and ViewStats
TeamUp- the key to selling items on Youtube using Mark Rober as an example.
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