Online it seems like everyone can write a best selling ebook. There are tons of people writing and yet there seems to be only a few ebooks being sold?
The 4 best ways?
You will find all the information that you need online. Check out this page on how the prolific Amazon authors do it.
Multiple people will give it a go, but in reality no-one really wants to go that extra effort.
One ebook will not a rich author make you. The people who got rich from just one book fail to mention the many months of cultivating an audience. Many months of getting to know influencers in the industry and becoming known in the first place.
Most people give up. Selling a book for $2.99 is not a good thing. Selling a multimedia package is. Selling the background, creating an audience/ fan base is one of the better ideas that you can do.
Doing this first is even better.
First gain the audience
Figure out what they want
Give them what they want
Works each and every time.
The Twilight books (movies, multimedia empire) came about through fan fiction. Stephenie Meyer created fan fiction for a website which then took off. Fans first.
A consultant was asked to figure out how to revitalize a run down publishing company. Their idea?
To only sell best selling books.
Now, kinda obvious, but how many people can spot a true best seller? Not that many. For all the Twilight books there are multiple books that only sold a couple of hundred. You only really hear about the best sellers.
However, Amazon has most of its profits come from the multiple products that sell only a few units rather than the big items that only sell a few. The majority of smaller items makes up most of the profit.
So you have to ask yourself, what is the definition of a best seller?
A best seller to me, is something that the majority of my audience has seen/ bought.
Do I want that. Yeah, who wouldnt? But you have to then think about penetration. Is it easy to penetrate that targeted group of people- your audience? In some ways yes, due to social pages. In some ways no because it will take time and in some cases, money.
So to write a best selling ebook is a good idea, but instead I opt for a certain amount of books that could be realistically be sold.
If I know that I am selling $2.99 ebooks- with a profit of around $1.50 per title, for 1 year (after that sales would probably drop) but it took me $500 to create (title page, my time/ hourly rate, hosting fees- you do think of those don't you?) then I need to either:
A lot of this is "what if./..", "could I", "maybe I can". There is no real safety net.
Unless, we figure out how to tap into something that has a little bit more of a guarantee. This is where we try and figure out "who" we are actually selling to, where our audience is...or even better, if we could collect our audience.
If people start to know me, start to like what I say then they are going to be more warm to the notion of me selling something. Everything therefore starts with your audience.
So what would happen if my audience bought my ebook at $1.50- lets say ten of them? Thats $15. OK, how about if 250 people of my audience bought? Then that would be $375. This is much easier and a more stable way to create your revenue stream from your ebooks.
But always remember that:
Audience is also quite subjective.
"Snail mating rituals to create show stopper snails" is something that you might know but also might have a super small amount of people willing to buy. But also you can go too big and get lost in a whole ocean of competition and it will be very difficult to cut through and show your audience what you have.
For example, I created an ebook designed to show you Googles Ranking system and why, most websites were wrong. Getting to the top position in search would be difficult for this term, buying keywords would be counterproductive for a $2.99 ebook. The only way would be through guest posting, discussing online the ideas that I had and trying to get enough influencers to actually listen to what I was trying to say.
Niche is good- the idea that a sub-set of a group is better than the whole group. But as we have seen, sometimes you can be too niche and have a lack of wiggle room. Your niche could also be small but have a large buying power. The Fortune 500 CEOs are a small group but possess large buying potential.
Your audience is therefore:
This is where a lot of people stall.
They believe that to write a best selling ebook is really easy. But as my title/ home page shows- it is an iceberg. A lot of the work has been done many months before selling.
The FourHourWorkWeek, when you look at how it was promoted, did so months before launch. At launch, Tim gave away bonus packages for X amount of books bought. He also got in contact with influencers, specific media types, contacted the people who he actually interviewed and hired other people to help him promote the book. Search engine articles on his site was OK but was never the main driving force behind the books success. Because if you think about it, "lifestyle design" was probably not the most searched keywords at the time. And how long would that take to mature and then try to convert to buyers?
So finding your audience is really kind of the key factor to write a best selling ebook.
Once you have done that you will find that content, title pages...all that is really just secondary to finding out what your audience is looking for.
In fact, content, if it is good enough is more looked upon than what is shown to you as. In other words, what you say is more important that how you go about saying it. If it is worthy then people don't really care about the title picture.
Proof? Check out this page on ebook selling. It shows the main ways people buy ebooks. It also shows B.J.Novaks book. The "Book With No Pictures". It also has a basic book cover. 11.7k reviews and sells at $23 Canadian. So simple maths, with 11k people bought (highly likely a lot more did) and at $20- B.J.Novak probably made around $220,000. That to me is a best selling ebook even if you havent heard of it.
This is why there are not many best selling ebooks around.
Creating something then finding the audience has always lead to poor performance, always has.
Every single business, ebook or not, created a product after consulting and listening with their audience. They became successful because of it.
It requires work, but:
• find the audience
• interact
• build your audience
• see what they want
• create what they want
• sell to a needing audience
Check out more ebook selling ideas and tactics here. For updates, check out the blog.
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