Dear Electronic Music Making friend,
I have seen many a novice buying up music equipment, software and sounds just to be looking at the screen in a "glazed over " zombie style, with endless "tutorial movies" of someones hi-tech studio.
It must stop. I know for a fact that unless you have that studio system you can not recreate the same music or sounds that they advertise. It makes sense doesn't it? Their high profile studio costs thousands of dollars, money that we don't all have. However...
If you could find a way to 100% recreate professionally created music for free...wouldn't that be better...without the use of a high priced studio?
How would you like to vastly increase your chances of getting picked up by a Major Label or Distributor? Or how about being able to sell thousands of tracks on your own, without a label?
This is no fairy tale...and with proper guidance it can easily be within your grasp.
I designed this page to help you get the tools and guides that you need to break into the music industry and become successful. If want to start electronic music making then now is your opportunity to start proper, with fully structured "non-jargon " beginner guides
I am Dominic Hough, and I love electronic music making, especially when you can do it, simpler, quicker and cheaper than anyone else.
Check out my tracks below. The other songs on this page have been used online, within short movies and for an educational video.
ReRave. Outlander- Vamp
A Youtube Short. Gets downloaded, gets views. We created 7 in a couple of hours. Now we can check which sounds people enjoy, play through and share.
(By the way, TimeToTell was created with just a laptop. No keyboards, and no extra equipment at all- just totally free sounds.)
Listen to what you can create with The Beginners Guide.
Dominic Hough
The Beginners Bible To Electronic Music Making
That is why I have designed a full, complete package that has everything that you need from generating an idea all the way to marketing and selling your quality track. Electronic music making has never been easier.
With instant downloading, up-to-the-minute techniques, guides and free software, your start into techno music making has never been simpler. You don't need a professional studio. With my techniques I will show you how to simply convert your own computer into a music powerhouse for free.
You will have access to:
Every music track around is based upon a certain structure- from Faithless through to Tiesto- they all use the same structure. The best have a solid foundation that can be built upon, I have that same information written out in plain non jargon terms. Giving you a concrete base a chart sturdy track that has success built into it.
Use the information time and time again to create stomping tracks that are designed to be good.
"5 Power Stages For Online techno Music Making Success"
The Beginners Guide is well over 200 pages in length. Not including the bonuses. You'll get a detailed description of the exact steps that I took, one-by-one, when developing, writing, creating and marketing my own EDM online.
The whole process is streamlined from start to finish. Missing nothing. Utilising stages so the whole process is moves you steadily and logically forward.
At the heart of the guide is the PowerStages- A sequenced order of music making stages, from idea generation all the way through top selling your music.
Power Stage 1. Create the Ultimate Track- All the Time.
Why make a track that no one likes? I guide you through the careful process of choosing a track that will be a killer downloader...all the time, keeping you away from the 10 deadly track killers.
Power Stage 2. How do you actually make music?
Using free techno music making software I shall show you exactly how I accomplished making TimeToTell. Covering all the bases with basics lessons that you will ever need
Power Stage 3. Professional Music Making.
We know the basics, but we want an extra edge to our work. Here you will find MasterClasses on vital points as EQ, mastering, MP3 making, using chords and adding automation to your tracks. These are the main industry "professional" building blocks that you incorporate into your music.
Power Stage 4. Every Sound, every loop, every beat...that you could ever want.
I will show you how to find free professional sounds, any sound that you want. How to create your own sounds, how to find free full versions of $1000 equipment, and how to use this knowledge to set up a profitable business
Power Stage 5. Digital music marketing.
I will show you the newest and time long lasting techniques to get you through the Youtube crowd. Create tracks that people will like before you even make the tune...and so much more
Check out the contents page:
Each one of The Beginners Bible To Electronic Music Making Power Stages contains HIGHLY detailed information on exactly what you need to do to accomplish that particular step.
In addition, each Stage contains links to the Web sites of essential free products and services that I use to accomplish each task. (I've eliminated all of the riff-raff during my testing so you only get the final "best-of-breed" solutions here).
"Just want to say that even though I've been like the biggest techno fan out there, I was totally CLUELESS about this stuff. You gave me a huge piece of the puzzle and I've been able to use that...". Email from a UK user
A very comprehensive and informative guide...
Dominic Hough has written a very comprehensive and informative guide that can help get someone started in making electronic music. He also provides a roadmap to getting your music out to be discovered, heard and hopefully purchased by a new and appreciative audience. There are great references and some very obvious things that beginners and people who are bit further along might overlook or forget about. Even for those who have been doing this for a while, it's a great refresher about some of the basics and essentials that should be paid attention to at all times.
You can't understate or underestimate the importance of marketing at almost every level. If you have a wonderful song, but no one knows about or hears it, it's a loss for everyone.
Recommended for people starting out, people who are thinking about starting out, as well as those who have been doing this for a while.
Well done.
Munich Syndrome
"The loops m8 are just what I was looking for..." Email from a UK user
Even my son is looking at all your tips n tricks and he is coming on...
Hi Dominic.
We need new young home composers just to keep the electronica genre going. All i can say is you are doing good, keep up the good work, even my 13 yr old son is looking at all your tips n tricks and he is coming i say if its good enough for my son, its good enough for everybody.
"OMG there's more than 200 pages worth of reading materials here, I never expected this amount of information. Well you've given me a lot to stay busy for the next year..." Email from a US user
Very detailed information from someone who obviously knows a lot about music creation and marketing...
Hi Dominic
Just reading your free trial on techno music making and I was surprised at how much information there was in just that one section, it must have taken ages to write. A guide as good as this could benefit any musician even if they think they are fairly successful.
People could easily learn to earn more or get their music recognised by a larger audience from some tips and tricks and some very detailed information from someone who obviously knows a lot about music creation and marketing.
I really appreciate all the work and effort you put into your site and your ebooks.
The ebook is at a very reasonable price. I would highly recommend this guide to anyone who is serious about their music and want to be heard by more people. I have quite a few people who ask me for help just because I am fairly popular on Soundclick but that doesn't make me an expert so hopefully now more people will buy your guide than keep pestering me and they will learn a lot more. I have even put a link on my soundclick page to your site as I find your website a brilliant source of information to anyone who is interested in making Dance or Techno.
The best aspect of this electronic music making ebook is that YOU can do it, just like me.
On top of all the tips and underground secrets, everything is backed-up with an extreme amount of examples, how-tos, pictures, and guides.
The ebook is written with you in mind. Over 200 music building pages come complete with all the relevant, laser targeted information that you will need to succeed.
But The Beginners Bible To Electronic Music Making is just for starters. Apart from the bonuses that are littered throughout the ebook, totalling well over $500, I will also throw in 4 totally free bonuses that will skyrocket your top techno music downloads and make your music hits.
Electronic Music Making Super Bonus #1. 100 Free Electronic Drum Loops.
Ever wanted some cool, original beats and loops for your music? You will have free access to royalty free, totally yours, drum loops.
I know how hard it is when you are just starting out. So I have created well over 100 loops of Trance, Dance, DnB and dark Techno for your to make your own tunes with.
I have also incorporated an industry technique of build ups. When you listen to some big loops you wonder where you can get the smaller/ less intense loops that make up that one big loop?
These smaller, less intrusive loops, can be used within your tracks...and then BANG! into the main big loop as a chorus. I have make available these smaller loops and the big loops for you.
Please note: All are at CD quality, none are ripped, and all are 100% pure electronic music. They have been professionally treated and created. These can not be found anywhere else on the Internet.
Electronic Music Making Super Bonus #2. The VSTs that I used to create the songs.
It is hard to start something. That is why I have included all the virtual instruments (VSTs) that will help you to get started. They are used in my tracks as well.
Electronic Music Making Super Bonus #3. You will get the actual track of TimeToTell.
This is not the MP3 but the actual "bones" of the track that you can manipulate, change, copy- do with it whatever you want to. Its' yours.
Electronic Music Making Super Bonus #4. The Adamski track.
I have seen music packages selling these "how to plans". The Adamski track is your for free, the actual track that you hear in the Youtube video (seen below)- the bare bones of the track is yours. I also go through building of the track in a video- 1 1/2 hours.
I also go through in a video how I created the Blinding Lights song (44 minutes).
The Internet is gasping out for people who can make top EDM songs, jump into it now!
Buy from Amazon here:
How to succeed in electronic music making? How do you make top EDM songs…with ease?
The Beginners Bible makes it so.
With proven strategies, downloads, tips, tricks and a whole host of guides, The Beginners Bible To Electronic Music Making is your complete reference book to crack into the electronic music business.
For as little as $9.95 you can be knocking out your own professional electronic music with ease- creating your own MP3s...and selling them!
All bonuses, All Videos for just $9.95. Grab it from Amazon here:
I am confident that you will succeed and do well and become a techno music making master.
I believe you will be inspired by this guide - and that when you begin using these strategies to make, market and sell your music.
"You Can Not Argue With This Insane Price...$'s nothing!"
Dominic Hough
Author "The Beginners Bible To Electronic Music Making"
PS. Immediately following payment you will be able to download your eBook in PDF format. The Beginners Bible To Electronic Music Making is a very large ebook, packed full of tips, downloads, articles, interviews and guides. Within the ebook, at the beginning of Powerstage 2, it will give you links for your free loops and virtual instruments, tracks and much more.
Can it work on an iPad and mobile devices?
The ebook is mobile device optimised and can be used very easily. The ebook is in Amazons format. The software for music making is PC/MAC only- due to the need to load in instruments and sounds- and save off your music.
There are tons of music software out there, why is this ebook any different?
The ebook is a guide to making electronic music using a different type of music maker. One that has gone under the radar for years but is very simple to use- can be free but is extremely powerful. You don't need music knowledge which a lot of software assumes that you already have. Many assume that you know notes and keys.
If I can show you how to make electronic music and you use another music maker later on, then thats cool. The PowerStages will also be useful to them. Remember there is just one Powerstage that is specifically about music making.
The bonuses are found when you get to Powerstage 2. They will be listed and you can download at your pleasure. It is done this way to build you up step by step to electronic music making rather than downloading everything and it being overwhelming.
I have seen people playing on their phones and making tunes- that's free right?
Sure. People can do that with the sounds that are there (you can't add different ones). It also assumes that you know your way around a keyboard keys and what notes to play. My thought is that I will show you a different way, one where you can see what you key in. If you like that sound...great, if not you can delete it by pressing delete. To me, it is a very straightforward way to make music easily and to place down an idea very quickly. It is also very cheap or free.
Do you remember Calvin Harris? He had a track "Acceptable in the 80s?". That track was created in the same system that I will show you.
Is it a big download?
Sorry, but yes. I have tried to reduce the size as much as I could. That is why you will be directed to a separate page online to download bonuses through links within the ebook. It would be huge if I incorporated everything. Just the ebook alone is 4MB.
I have a USB keyboard and other stuff, will they work?
Yes. I bought a Novation 37 key USB keyboard recently (when a super sale was on- came with a really cool VST synth as well). It plugs in and the software recognises it.
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